Photos: Reunion @ W6SD's Field Day, June 24, 2006.

Welcome to the Ted Ryan (WB6JXY) Memorial Amateur Radio Club. Memorial Page. 1970-1971: Photos, JB. 1971, Ted's Birthday @ JB's Electric Shop. 1972, Ted Outside Electric Shop. 1973, 1975-1976: Photos, JB 1976, Ted's Home Station. 1976, Field Day @ W6SD. 1977-1979: Photos, JB. 1980-1983: Photos, JB. 1989, Instructional Video: Ted Teaches Teachers How to Teach Morse Code. Ted's Master Class for Code Teachers Operating JBARC, W6TDM. Rememberance: Roger Ryan, AA6EO. Rememberance: Bernie Cutler, KB6NR. Rememberance: Lou Caldwell, W7HX. Rememberance: Scott Bornstein, WN6DLM. Rememberance: Larry Goldstein, PhD, WB6DQI. Rememberance: Carole (Chava) Danielson, WN6DQK. Rememberance: Dan Waxer, MD, WB6HBC. Rememberance: Murray Maidan, WN6LNZ. Rememberance: Michael Waxer, AIA, WB6IXP. Rememberance: Cliff Cheng, PhD, AC6C Rememberance: Marty Joel, WB6JFO Rememberance: Darryl Harris, WB6FWM. Rememberance: Colman Fockens, KA6AFO. Rememberance: Madeline Fockens, KB6IS. Photos: JB and its Club's Rigs. Proclaimation: California Governor, Field Day, 2006, W6SD. Photos: Reunion @ W6SD's Field Day, June 24, 2006. Photos: Reunion @ W6SD's Field Day, June 23, 2007. Proclaimation: U.S. Congress. Proclaimations: California State Senate and Assembly. Proclaimation: LA School Board at JB, Sept. 2006. Photos: Visit to JB, 2006. Proclaimations: LA City and County. Links. 

Reunion and Field Day Photos

Some of the found students of Ted Ryan reunited at the field day of the San Fernanado Valley Amateur Radio Club (SFVARC), W6SD, where Ted taught from 1965 to 2000.  We gathered to honor Ted.  (see: Proclaimations page).  

W6SD had its field day at Northridge Hospital, in its parking structure. The antennas and generators were placed on the roof of the parking structure.  The operating positions were below the antennas.  There were stations set up for: CW (40M/20M), SSB (20M),  SSB (40M), ATV, VHF, Get on the Air (extra HF station used by visitors), and Satellite.  

Jaime Markowtiz, AA6TH; Roger Ryan, AA6EO; Mari Seil, ex-WA6DIL; Bill Bergerson, Ph.D., WA6TDQ; Cliff Cheng, Ph.D., AC6C.   

Satellite Crew

Shortly after the contest started Richard Donner, WA6KYR, made a satellite contact.  Under contest rules, the first satellite contact is worth 100pts.  The subsequent contacts were scored as regular QSOs.  

Richard was assisted at various times by: Roger Ryan, AA6EO; Dennis Nolan KD6PLU, Cliff Cheng, Ph.D., AC6C.

During the 10:45pm satellite pass, Richard, Dennis and Cliff were in the wrong position, so the three of the emeshed in a tripond with an arrow antenna attached to it and a handheld danced all over the roof trying to find the singal.  As wrapepd up in tripod, antenna and cables as they were it was surprisingly they did not trip.  

We used a new an arrow antenna purchased for the occassion by W6SD's Field Day Chairman, Steve Wardlaw, KN6Y (see below). 

Pictured: Bernie Cutler, KB6NR; Roger Ryan, AA6EO; unknown; Richard Donner, WA6KYR.  

